Hw (integral tungsten carbide) helical router bits z=3 spherical for wood helix 25 grades

Art. A2011

Hw (integral tungsten carbide) helical router bits z=3 spherical for wood helix 25 grades


Finishing operation. Feed rate: 2 - 10 m/min of 18 000 - 24 000 RPM.
  • Suitable for Machine

    cnc router

  • Tool

    Integral bit

  • Technology

    Spherical, Spherical

  • Cutting Edge Material


  • Materials

    hHrd wood, hHrd wood, mdf, soft wood

Technical Data

  • Filter
  • d
  • b
  • z
Art. coddrwdblttzrotsralfagt
A201100145473312403Dx Rh31.525Positive
A201100245474415403Dx Rh4225Positive
A201100345475517503Dx Rh52.525Positive
A201100445476617503Dx Rh6325Positive
A201100545477627603Dx Rh6325Positive
A201100645478822703Dx Rh8425Positive
A201100745479832803Dx Rh8425Positive
A2011008454801032803Dx Rh10525Positive
A20110094548110421003Dx Rh10525Positive
A2011010454821232803Dx Rh12625Positive
A20110114548312421003Dx Rh12625Positive
A20110124548412521003Dx Rh12625Positive
A20110134548514421003Dx Rh14725Positive
A20110144548614521003Dx Rh14725Positive
A20110154548716421003Dx Rh16825Positive
A20110164548816521003Dx Rh16825Positive
A20110174548916621103Dx Rh16825Positive
A20110184549018521003Dx Rh18925Positive
A20110194549118751203Dx Rh18925Positive
A20110204549220521003Dx Rh201025Positive
A20110214549320751203Dx Rh201025Positive
A201110145494312403Sx Lh31.525Positive
A201110245495415403Sx Lh4225Positive
A201110345496517503Sx Lh52.525Positive
A201110445497617503Sx Lh6325Positive
A201110545498627603Sx Lh6325Positive
A201110645499822703Sx Lh8425Positive
A201110745500832803Sx Lh8425Positive
A2011108455011032803Sx Lh10525Positive
A20111094550210421003Sx Lh10525Positive
A2011110455031232803Sx Lh12625Positive
A20111114550412421003Sx Lh12625Positive
A20111124550512521003Sx Lh12625Positive
A20111134550614421003Sx Lh14725Positive
A20111144550714521003Sx Lh14725Positive
A20111154550816421003Sx Lh16825Positive
A20111164550916521003Sx Lh16825Positive
A20111174551016621103Sx Lh16825Positive
A20111184551118521003Sx Lh18925Positive
A20111194551218751203Sx Lh18925Positive
A20111204551320521003Sx Lh201025Positive
A20111214551420751203Sx Lh201025Positive

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